This Is What An Ecological Disaster Looks Like...And It's The Worst Thing Ever

This Is What An Ecological Disaster Looks Like…And It’s The Worst Thing Ever

When we hear about a far-reaching and devastating ecological disaster, it’s no surprise that most of us would assume it happened in China. While these types of catastrophes take place all over the world with startling regularity, they seem to occur in the Asian country far more often.

This time around though, something unbelievable happened much closer to home than we’re used to — just off the Space Coast of Florida, a resident caught this on camera…

Redditor SPAZZEH lives in the area and on a recent trip down to the coast, they snapped these pictures of a massive fish and wildlife die off.

The Space Coast is where NASA conducts many of its space launches, however that’s not necessarily the cause.

According to SPAZZEH, the area has been dealing with a massive algae bloom that has suffocated many of the fish by pulling all the oxygen out of the water.

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But sadly, that’s not the only problem, says SPAZZEH. There are several big polluters in the area dumping septic waste, chemical waste, and excess fertilizer into the water.

The effects of these different compounds when mixed together are poorly understood. It’s proving to be a challenge for local scientists who are hoping to devise a cleanup solution.

Then again, a solution might not do much at this point. According to SPAZZEH, local politicians seem more or less apathetic to what’s happening in their waters.

Looking out over the bay, it doesn’t take a pile of dead fish to tell you that something isn’t right here.

(source Reddit)

That is horribly heartbreaking. If the dumping and excessive pollution continues like this, just imagine how those once-beautiful waters will look in five years. I honestly, don’t even want to think about it.

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