Video: Akin apologizes for ‘legitimate rape’ remark, asks for forgiveness!/ajjaffe/status/237848058552004609

Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin released an apology ad Tuesday asking voters to forgive him for suggesting that victims of “legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant.

Transcript via Politico:

“Rape is an evil act. I used the wrong words in the wrong way and for that I apologize. As the father of two daughters, I want tough justice for predators. I have a compassionate heart for the victims of sexual assault. I pray for them,” Akin says. “The fact is, rape can lead to pregnancy. The truth is, rape has many victims.”

Akin continues: “The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold. I ask for your forgiveness.”

Does this mean Akin plans to remain in the U.S. Senate race despite a growing chorus of voices asking him to drop out?

Doesn't look like Todd Akin plans on going away. Here's his apology ad:

— Peter Hershberg (@hershberg) August 21, 2012

NEW VIDEO: Rep Akin ad asks forgiveness. Likely means he is *not* dropping out today.

— Cassidy Moody (@CassFM) August 21, 2012

A new PPP poll indicates Akin has 44 percent support while incumbent Claire McCaskill has 43 percent.

If you're just waking up, Akin has an apology ad up & is looking at a (v early) @ppppolls showing him even w @clairecmc

— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) August 21, 2012

But the video apology may be too little, too late.

Never a good sign for a campaign when you have to close your latest ad with "I ask for your forgiveness."

— Public_Interest_NC9 (@Public_Interest) August 21, 2012

Oh, Lord. @aburnspolitico: AKIN'S APOLOGY AD:

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 21, 2012

Political Memo: When running for public office, don't put yourself in the position where you have to make this video:

— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) August 21, 2012

Perhaps Akin should have gone with the ol’ standby:

How come @ToddAkin didn't just come out and BLAME BUSH? How could any of the fool #MSM question him then? #mosen #tcot

— Allan Bourdius (@allanbourdius) August 21, 2012

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The U.S. sent Cuba a Hellfire missile by mistake and they won’t return it

For the can’t make this up if we tried file, the Obama administration is under fire after reports surfaced that a Hellfire air-to-ground missile somehow ended up Cuba:

Maybe there’s a loophole that needs to be closed? Did Cuba get the missile from a straw buyer? The president should issue an executive order to prevent this in the future, or something:

Eventually the NRA will get blamed:

It gets worse. We knew they had the missile and still normalized relations without getting it back:

Exit question: Has President Obama tried a hashtag yet? #BringBackOurMissile might be just the threat needed to force Cuba to act!

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On Twitter, ‘more people give a crap about National Donut Day’ than D-Day!/IrisBlasi/status/474892165441921024

The first Friday of every June is “National Donut Day.” This year, it happens to fall on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Guess which occasion is trending:


Many are thinking that some priorities are seriously out of whack:!/spambot/status/474791405705916416!/TooGentToCare/status/474926341117460480!/HollandMikey/status/474942600324337664!/JakeSimpson34/status/474948300760969216!/OKRedneck99/status/474939253324267521!/rebepayton/status/474953909836853248!/Kenniffdotcom/status/474944905757073410!/mayapapaya319/status/474921780210311168!/Breebaby1012/status/474915374081662976!/Fashionlovepam/status/474900315045519361!/Bigg_Dubb/status/474898388195246083!/laureneliseTV/status/474905189959602176

This is sad:!/Pullmyfinger82/status/474887275063820288


However, National Donut Day does at least have a military link:

Double D-Day:
1) In 1938 Salvation Army declared Donut Day to honor those that served donuts to WWI soldiers

2) D-Day – WWII, 1944— Kathryn Nelson (@TacoCatNelson) June 06, 2014!/mistertug/status/474938899991896064

D-Day and National Donut Day can coexist, but it’s a shame the former has been overshadowed so far on Twitter.

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Zing! Pres. Ego honors #PajamaBoy in true Obama style [Photoshops]!/HarrietBaldwin/status/413207797439168512

It had to happen.

Even bronies are snickering at OFA’s pitful onesie-clad spokesmodel for Obamacare. The Twitterverse dubbed the human contraceptive “Pajama Boy” and quickly went to work mocking his secret identity and giving him his rightful place in memedom.

Obama/#PajamaBoy selfie, anyone?

Of course, no Photoshop mockery would be complete without the narcissist in chief honoring the flannel-covered spokesmodel.

Together, they can honor Rosa Parks. Like father, like son:


Giggle-boom: ‘Hey, ladies!’ A bright side to #PajamaBoy; So there’s this?

Twitter gold! The Obama #PajamaBoy selfie and other must-see mash-ups and memes [Photoshops]

Exclusive: Juiceboxes after dark! OFA’s #Pajamaboy’s identity revealed? [pic]

OFA’s ‘FlannelCare guy’ is Internet sensation … with conservatives [Photoshops]

‘This is getting insane’: OFA’s onesie-clad Obamacare spokesmodel inspires mockery

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