Community Post: 23 Famous Authors’ Last Words

1. Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley requested his wife to give him an injection of LSD right before death, so he could pass away in a state of mind of his own choosing.

2. Voltaire

Voltaire’s final words in response to a priest asking him to renounce Satan.

3. Hunter S. Thompson

MDCarchives / Via

The final words in his suicide note, before shooting himself in the head.

4. J.M. Barrie

Before his death, Barrie gave the rights to Peter Pan to London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital. They continue to benefit from royalties.

5. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe had discussed optical phenomenon with his daughter-in-law the night before his death.

6. Jane Austen

Portrait Gallery of the Perry–Castañeda Library / Via

When asked by her sister what she wanted, this was Jane Austen’s response.

7. Edgar Allan Poe

Poe’s death is a mystery, with still no clear idea of what actually transpired in his last few days.

8. Anton Chekhov

On his death bed, Chekhov requested morphine and champagne from his doctor right before he passed away.

9. Leo Tolstoy

F.W. Taylor / Via

Tolstoy, in his final days, fled his mansion and tried to live amongst the people.

10. Henry David Thoreau

It is unknown what exactly Thoreau was referencing with his final words.

11. James Joyce

C. Ruf / Via

James Joyce died of a failed surgery, in the presence of his wife and son.

12. W.C. Fields

Bain News Service / Via

Carlotta was Fields’ mistress, and also the person present for his final words.

13. Emily Dickinson

William C. North / Via

Emily Dickinson experienced blackouts and was confined to bed for seven months before her death.

14. Washington Irving

Matthew Brady / Via

Washington Irving, author of Sleepy Hollow, is buried in the actual Sleepy Hollow, New York.

15. Lord Byron

Lord Byron died in Greece of a fever, while fighting the Ottomans.

16. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Jonathan Richardson / Via

Although Montagu spent the majority of her life away from England, she passed away in her home at London.

17. Franz Kafka

The last spoken words of Kafka were directed at a doctor who was unwilling to give him a lethal dose of morphine. He was dying of tuberculosis and couldn’t speak in his final days.

18. Elizabeth Barret Browning

Macaire Havre / Via

This was uttered in response to the question of how she was feeling.

19. Eugene O’Neill

Carl Van Vechten / Via

O’Neill died of pneumonia, after suffering from a Parkinson’s-like disease that rendered him physically unable to write for years.

20. Charlotte Bronte

Evert A. Duyckinick / Via

Charlotte Bronte had only been married for nine months when she died.

21. Truman Capote

Roger Higgins / Via

Buddy was Capote’s childhood nickname.

22. Lewis Carroll

Hubert von Herkomer / Via

Known for his children’s books, Carroll — a pen name — was also a mathematician and photographer.

23. O. Henry

A. Newcomb / Via

Cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism was thought to be the cause Henry’s death, as well as a leading factor for a decline in the number of stories he wrote toward the end.

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If you teach your kids to use guns, Vince Neil doesn’t want you at his shows

Like many ghoulish celebs, in the immediate wake of the Newtown massacre, Mötley Crüe vocalist Vince Neil’s first thought was for the families of the victims … and how their devastation could help him push “Gun Control!!!”

After some Twitter followers took him to task for using the murder victims to prop up a gun-grabbing agenda, Neil lashed out at them for mentioning guns without the word “control” attached.

Why is everyone so concerned with guns? What about the CHILDREN that were MURDERED today! Get your priorities straight!! Come on people!!

— Vince Neil (@TheVinceNeil) December 14, 2012

I did say gun control but I didn’t think 90% of you would care more about your gun than dead children!!!

— Vince Neil (@TheVinceNeil) December 14, 2012

The brutally blunt Twitterverse reminded Neil that perhaps people who spent time in the big house for vehicular manslaughter and DUI shouldn’t throw stones.

“@1michaelray: @thevinceneil This from someone who killed with a car and alcohol… JUSTICE?” Exactly!!!!

— Richard Johnson (@richjohnson83) December 15, 2012

@thevinceneil, who used a car to kill someone while he was FUCKED UP, wants to preach TO US about #GUNCONTROL.SERIOUSLY????? #justsayin 😡

— Joe 30-Pack(D-TX) (@Joe6packradio) December 16, 2012

@thevinceneil seriously dude? Hope u put this much effort into DUI related deaths..oh wait……#hypocrite

— Leon Pennington (@Lpennington7) December 14, 2012

@thepoliticalhat @thevinceneil SCORECARD: Vince Neil’s car – 1// My .38 – 0

— GTJessop (@murgatr0id) December 14, 2012

Maybe when @thevinceneil is done being a hypocrite about #GunControl laws we can talk about the man he killedwhile driving drunk?

— just another mo(@JustAnotherMo) December 16, 2012

Cars don’t kill people; drunk people like Vince Neil behind the wheel kill people. In 1984, Neil was sentenced to $2.5 million in restitution, community service and 30 days in jail after he lost control of his car while driving drunk. His friend, Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle, was killed in the crash.

Neil finished off his rant by letting people know that if they dare to give their children the gift of self-defense, they should go ahead and skip his shows.

FUCK YOU to EVERYONE who puts guns in front of kids!! Do not come to ANY shows! You are sick!!

— Vince Neil (@TheVinceNeil) December 15, 2012

Odd, we didn’t realize Neil was on tour. We wonder who he’s opening for.

Hey Vince, don’t go away mad (just go away).

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26 Things You Will Only See In Los Angeles

“Does this place have valet for bikes?”

1. A 24-hour taco delivery service.

2. Having this valet option.

3. Tropical cellphone towers.

4. This high-class towing scene.

Ashley Zhang @ashleyczhang

“Fifteen minutes can save you 15% or more on your car insurance” Met some lizards chillin on some couches.#onlyinLA

9. These killer “deals.”

10. Mannequins with “generous” proportions.

11. Chronically red traffic maps.

You’re not going anywhere.

12. This easy rider.

13. Stormtroopers hiking in Runyon Canyon.


14. A Mercedes Benz as a learner’s vehicle.

15. Suggestive billborts.

16. Acting jobs for any animal body type.

17. Cryptic parking signs.

18. Sweet, classic rides.

19. This unique exercise option.

This unique exercise option.

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Facebook: upflyingyoga

20. A clever alternative to Redbox.

Don’t forget the free wi-fi.

21. This unique institution of higher learning.

22. A “murdered out” Prius with family stickers on the back.

23. The leafiest map you’ll ever see.

24. Canine go-go dancers.

25. Angelyne.

26. And of course, this inspirational graffiti.

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