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Community Post: 28 Recipes To Make In A Bundt Pan This Spring

Because everything is better baked in a bundt pan.

1. Banana Bundt Cake with Chocolate Glaze

Banana cake in bundt cake form. Could you ask for anything more? Recipe here.

2. Carrot Cake Monkey Bread

Cake for breakfast?? Recipe here.

3. Chocolate Pound Cake

That chocolate though. Recipe here.

4. Lemon Velvet Bundt Cake with Blueberry Cream Cheese Frosting

If this doesn’t scream spring, nothing does. HOLY YUM. Recipe here.

5. Melted Ice Cream Cake

Two Ingredients! Can’t beat it! Recipe here.

6. S’mores Monkey Bread

This is sure to get you out of bed. Recipe here.

7. “Twinkie” Bundt Cake

Who wouldn’t love a giant twinkie? Recipe here.

8. Toffee Pecan Caramel Pound Cake

Moist cake bursting with sweet toffee bits, crunchy pecans, and rich creamy caramel in every bite! Recipe here.

9. Cinnamon Swirl Bundt Cake with Coffee-Caramel Sauce

So much flavor. So much deliciousness. Recipe here.

10. Toffe Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake

Some seriously sticky deliciousness right there. Recipe here.

11. Sticky Bun Monkey Bread

Ooey gooey deliciousness. Recipe here.

12. Tunnel of Fudge Cake

In case you couldn’t tell by the title, there is a tunnel of fudge in the middle of this cake. Recipe here.

13. Jelly Doughnut Bundt Cake

Just like a giant jelly doughnut! Recipe here.

14. Cinnamon Streusel Coffe Bundt Cake

A fun twist on an all-time favorite. Recipe here.

15. Meyer Lemon Bundt Cake with Vanilla Bean Icing

Bursting with lemon flavor. Recipe here.

16. Banana Split Cake

This is one heck of a banana split. Recipe here.

17. Best Ever Chocolate Avocado Bundt Cake

Because bundt cakes are for everyone. Recipe here.

18. Apple Pie Monkey Bread

Chunks of the gooey, cinnamony, appley goodness. Recipe here.

19. Peanut Butter & Chocolate Marble Bundt with Peanut Butter Caramel

A mouthful of deliciousness. Recipe here.

20. Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake

Killing chocolate cravings one bite at a time. Recipe here.

21. Caramel Latte Bundt Cake

Drink your latte and eat it too. Recipe here.

22. Brown Butter Sour Cream Crumb Cake with Roasted Pineapple Sauce

Holy yum. Recipe here.

23. Honey Swirled Coffee Cake

Fluffy, sticky, and bursting with golden honey flavor. Recipe here.

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Terrorist appeaser Anthea Butler beefs up call to jail anti-Islam filmmaker!/lachlan/status/246272904306765825

Oh yeah. She went there.

UPenn professor, coward, and terrorist apologist Anthea Butler penned an opinion column this morning in which she doubled down on her call to jail the filmmaker whom she deems “indirectly and inadvertently” responsible for the riots in Egypt and Libya that left four people dead. But she wants you all to know that no one values free speech more than her!

So why did I tweet that Bacile should be in jail? The “free speech” in Bacile’s film is not about expressing a personal opinion about Islam. It denigrates the religion by depicting the faith’s founder in several ludicrous and historically inaccurate scenes to incite and inflame viewers.

Ah. So the purpose of the film was to inflame anti-American sentiment in the Islamist world and incite riots. Radical crazies’ inability to control their violent tempers is a filmmaker’s fault, according to Butler, and that filmmaker should therefore be imprisoned and silenced.

Bacile’s movie does not excuse the rioting in Libya and Egypt, or the murder of Americans. That is deplorable. Unfortunately, people like Bacile and Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who provoked international controversy by burning copies of the Quran, have a tremendous impact on religious tolerance and U.S. foreign policy.

“A tremendous impact”? Seriously? Who is this woman?

Case in point: Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called Jones on Wednesday to ask him to stop promoting Bacile’s film. Clearly, the military considers the film a serious threat to national security. If the military takes it seriously, there should be consequences for putting American lives at risk.

To Butler, appeasers like Dempsey should definitely be the arbiter of what does and does not constitute acceptable speech. And when in doubt, get the military involved. In what universe? Is this real life?

Needless to say, Twitterers were mystified by the intellectual’s stunning dearth of intellect:

@lachlan We need greater understanding to understand people with whom we already agree. And prevent our opponents from spewing hate.

— J.P. Freire (@JPFreire) September 13, 2012

@JPFreire Yeah, I almost deleted that tweet because I immediately though, "wait, she's obviously being sarcastic." But nope.

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) September 13, 2012

This professor doesn't just hedge on free speech, she argues that the military—yes, the military—should be the arbiter:

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) September 13, 2012

Penn's founder Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave: h/t @charlescwcooke

— Dean Clark (@earldean71) September 13, 2012

"If there is anyone who values free speech, it is a tenured professor!" Now, throw the man who made that movie in jail!

— Radley Balko (@radleybalko) September 13, 2012

Probably the stupidest article of all time:

— Noah Glyn (@NoahGlyn) September 13, 2012

This is not an opposing view. This is a professor in the US who does not believe in the first amendment. The end

— Kirk (@KirkSeriousFace) September 13, 2012

I think @AntheaButler is a cultural relativist moron, but I wouldn't arrest her for it. Scary that she's a teacher.

— Ben Cohen (@BenCohenOpinion) September 13, 2012

@JeffreyGoldberg Anthea Butler: "other countries and cultures do not have to understand or respect our right" – I disagree

— Dan Israel (@DanIsraelMusic) September 13, 2012

There is so much wrong with this it's hard to know where to begin. Dear world: Our opinions don't allow you to kill us.

— Andy Bartlett (@abart01) September 13, 2012

You're just trying to set the world record for most #facepalm's in a day, right @AntheaButler? The joke's on us, right?

— Nico Perrino (@NicoPerrino) September 13, 2012

Anthea Butler's ideas are dumb…even dangerous. But unlike her I'll fight for her right to say them.

— Ian M. Hartshorn (@imhartshorn) September 13, 2012

Not sure how well this piece reflects on academia, the humanities, and the Ivy League.

— Jason Parkhill (@JasonParkhill) September 13, 2012

Not well.

Question of the day…Is radical professor Anthea Butler…Slow, Simple or Stupid?

— Mike (@mikey_168) September 13, 2012

We vote for sickening.



The plot thickens: Filmmaker ‘Sam Bacile,’ blamed for embassy attacks, does not exist

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Two Men Charged In Alleged Gay Porn Ring In Kenya

If convicted, the pair face dozens of years in prison. BuzzFeed News’ Jina Moore reports from Kwale, Kenya.

People wait outside the Kwale courthouse, where two men today were charged on two counts of allegedly indecent sexual activity.

KWALE, Kenya — Two men alleged by police to be part of an illegal gay pornography ring were charged before a magistrate Tuesday, after undergoing court-ordered anal exams, in the coastal Kenyan county of Kwale.

They were arrested last week after allegedly pornographic photographs were published on a local blog. The Star, one of Kenya’s biggest national newspapers, republished some of the photographs, blurring the men’s faces but further stoking community outcry.

The men were arrested when community members said they identified the two from the photographs. One was being beaten by a mob as police arrested him, according to lawyers representing the two men.

The men were charged Tuesday with “practicing unnatural offenses” and with possessing “for the purpose of public exhibition” 10 CDs with content the prosecution alleges “corrupt[s] morals.” It provided no further details about the CDs — or the 100 photographs the prosecution last week told the court it has uncovered.

The prosecutor also tabled an “alternative count,” which will only be considered by the magistrate if she acquits the two men of unnatural offenses violations. That count alleges that the two men “jointly committed an indecent act with an adult” who is a third party.

Homosexuality is criminalized in Kenya under the unnatural offenses law, a provision that has been on the books since the country was a British colony. Kenyan authorities say they have taken legal action in more than 500 cases of alleged homosexuality since 2010.

The men first appeared in court Friday and were held over the weekend as the prosecution continued its investigation. The two were also ordered to submit to a “medical examination.”

Those words immediately made Eric Gitari, the executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Kenya (NGLHRC), suspicious.

“If you say ‘medical treatment,’ fine, but ‘medial exam’ is very open to abuse,” he told BuzzFeed News from his office in Nairobi. “It’s against their right not to table evidence against themselves; it’s a breach of their privacy; and it’s against their right to dignity.”

Though there is no scientific evidence to support their utility, anal exams persist in many countries where homosexuality is criminalized.

Pepela Mate, a lawyer with the Kenyan Human Rights Commission (KHRC) who is assisting on the case, told BuzzFeed News before the hearing, “The medical exam is more like a pretext. They [the prosecution] wanted the anal swabs because they were not charged on Friday, and now they may have grounds for charging [the pair with] ‘committing unnatural acts.'”

The man whose lawyers say he was beaten ahead of his arrest appeared in court wearing a large white bandage, visible beneath a partially opened button-down shirt, on his left shoulder and upper chest.

He had tears in his eyes during most of the 30-minute hearing, and his arms and fingers shook forcefully when he did not hold the ledge of the defendants’ box where he stood.

“Looking at my clients, they look unwell,” Mate told the court. He requested their release on bail in part so that they could seek any necessary medical attention.
Mate won his bail request, but neither man could find anyone to put up the roughly $2,250 in collateral set by the bail conditions. The two were then returned to prison.

The prosecution said in court Tuesday it had completed its investigation, and it named five witnesses, all police officers, who will testify as the case proceeds. Police have told local media that the accused are part of a gay pornography “ring,” led by Europeans, that has been operating for some time in the area and that exploits minors.

But Magistrate Christine Njagi took a moment at the start of the hearing to chastise the media for false reporting, including an unsubstantiated claim made over the weekend that the two defendants are married.

Standing outside the courthouse, William Oluchina, a program officer at the Kenya Human Rights Commission, said the notion of a gay porn ring exploiting minors is “more like a cover up to have a good reason to arrest them … There is this myth in Kenya that if you’re gay, you will be recruiting children. This story is part of that fear.”

Gitari of the NGLHRC says the local coverage plays up the idea that “gay people are all about sex and lure young children. The perpetuation of that narrative […] is like giving bullets to the anti-gay movement.”

At the same time, Gitari said his organization has had nearly a dozen reports, unrelated to the Kwale case, of exploitation of gay men and youth in Kenya by foreign pornographers.

Oluchina said the accused will continue to look for avenues to pay the bond, even as some law enforcement officials suggested that the two are safer in prison than in their community.

“It’s a Catch-22,” Oluchina acknowledged. “The community was very angry at that particular time, but on the other hand, you’re violating their rights” by keeping them in prison.

The next hearing in the case will be on May 26.


The two men in this case were charged with the possession of 10 CDs of indecent material. An earlier version of this article misstated the number. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_article_correction_time_5081320″).innerHTML = UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(‘2015-02-25 02:03:21 -0500′, ‘update’); });

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Wisconsin’s Tim Cullen to leave Democratic caucus!/WISCTV_News3/status/227857731036528641

Wisconsin State Sen. Tim Cullen, who was one of the 14 “fleebaggers” who left the state in 2011 to preclude a vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s financial reform efforts, has said in an email he will leave the Democratic caucus and become an independent.

In an email to Senate colleagues with the subject “Response to Committee Assignments,” Cullen wrote, “Sen. [Mark] Miller has made clear that he does not value or need my presence in Senate Committee leadership and, quite obviously, in the Senate Democratic Caucus.”

Democrats recently took control of Wisconsin’s Sentate by a 17–16 majority after a recall election last month.

Sen Tim Cullen says he is leaving Sen Dem Caucus, hence depriving Dems of a majority after hard fought recall elections. #wirecall

— Cory Mason (@RepCoryMason) July 24, 2012

Sen. Tim Cullen says he was offended over committee chairs offered him after Democrats regained majority, leaves Democratic caucus

— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) July 24, 2012

Never a dull moment in Wisconsin's state Capitol. Sen. Tim Cullen, a D, is leaving the D caucus, which had just seized a 17-16 majority.

— Monica Davey (@monicadavey1) July 24, 2012

MT @sbauerap: GOP Sen Zipperer is leaving next month, so if Dem Sen. Tim Cullen becomes indy, Dems would have 16-15-1 majority #wiunion

— Jim Witkins (@jimwitkins) July 24, 2012

Is it just me, or does the whole Sen. Tim Cullen thing have that "last picked in dodgeball so I'm taking my ball and going home" feel to it?

— Mark David Zahn (@MarkDavidZahn) July 24, 2012

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