This Is What An Ecological Disaster Looks Like…And It’s The Worst Thing Ever

When we hear about a far-reaching and devastating ecological disaster, it’s no surprise that most of us would assume it happened in China. While these types of catastrophes take place all over the world with startling regularity, they seem to occur in the Asian country far more often.

This time around though, something unbelievable happened much closer to home than we’re used to — just off the Space Coast of Florida, a resident caught this on camera…

Redditor SPAZZEH lives in the area and on a recent trip down to the coast, they snapped these pictures of a massive fish and wildlife die off.

The Space Coast is where NASA conducts many of its space launches, however that’s not necessarily the cause.

According to SPAZZEH, the area has been dealing with a massive algae bloom that has suffocated many of the fish by pulling all the oxygen out of the water.

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But sadly, that’s not the only problem, says SPAZZEH. There are several big polluters in the area dumping septic waste, chemical waste, and excess fertilizer into the water.

The effects of these different compounds when mixed together are poorly understood. It’s proving to be a challenge for local scientists who are hoping to devise a cleanup solution.

Then again, a solution might not do much at this point. According to SPAZZEH, local politicians seem more or less apathetic to what’s happening in their waters.

Looking out over the bay, it doesn’t take a pile of dead fish to tell you that something isn’t right here.

(source Reddit)

That is horribly heartbreaking. If the dumping and excessive pollution continues like this, just imagine how those once-beautiful waters will look in five years. I honestly, don’t even want to think about it.

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This Is What A Cheeseburger Looks Like In Space

I’ll stick to the regular earth kind, thanks.

1. Astronaut Terry Virts has tweeted out a picture of a space-cheeseburger.

2. Just. Look. At. It.

3. It makes sense that the normal ingredients are replaced with their space-paste versions, but why is it in a tortilla?

Zero gravity makes assembling a sandwich difficult, and the crumbs from regular bread are dangerous if they get stuck in airvents or sensitive equipment. That’s why Tortillas have replaced bread in space since 1980.

4. Sadly, that means this gif is lying to you.

5. And that this cat sits on a throne of lies.

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These 15 GIFs Prove Science Is More Amazing Than Fiction

Warning: Don’t try some of these things at home.

1. This is what happens when you cut a water droplet using a superhydrophobic knife on a surface that doesn’t get wet.

Arizona State University/Sploid / Via

2. This is the view from the Soyuz capsule, the spacecraft that takes astronauts to and from the International Space Station (ISS), as it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA / Via

3. This is what vibrating guitar strings look like up close (captured using a rolling shutter effect).

Andy Nicolai / Via

4. This is how Astronaut Koichi Wakata rides a flying carpet in space.

AFP News / Via

5. This is what happens when you light a CD and blow on it.

Science Videos / Via

6. This is what happens when you stuff an orange full of fireworks.

Michael Hession/ Slo Mo Lab / Via

7. This is what happens when cardinal fish eat ostracod plankton. Ostracods produce bioluminescence so that the fish spits them out.

BBC / Via

8. This is what happens when you mix Russell pit viper snake venom with human blood.

BBC / Via

9. These Neodymium magnets spark when they collide in a blender.

Blendtec / Via

10. These Astronauts put a GoPro camera inside a floating ball of water in space.

NASA / Via

11. These magnets can attract cereal.

Omar Kardoudi / Via

12. This is what you see when a GoPro is strapped to the back of a lioness while she’s hunting prey.

GoPro / Via

13. This is what happens when you crack an egg 60 feet below the surface of the ocean.

Live Science / Via

14. Airplanes look like shooting stars in this time lapse of an airport.

Milton Tan / Via

15. This bot fly from Belize emerges from a scientist’s skin after he let them incubate inside of him.

Piotr Naskecki / Via

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