As victims testify, Nidal Hasan asks judge to accomodate prayer schedule

Admitted Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan didn’t cross-examine any of the 17 witnesses who testified today, but he did raise a couple of objections, including his objection to a break which interfered with his prayer schedule.

#FortHood trial on lunch break until
2:15p.m. #Hasan asked judge for
2:30p.m. to accommodate his prayer schedule, the answer was no.— alex villarreal (@alexonFOX7) August 09, 2013

Hasan also objected to a description of the surgeries performed to remove bullets from the surviving shooting victims, calling it aggravating evidence best reserved for the sentencing phase.

As of today, 44 witnesses have testified against Hasan.

The court martial resumes Monday morning and is expected to continue through the week.!/CNNExpress/status/365950673004670976

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