Academy Award winner Phillip Seymour Hoffman reportedly found dead; Updated!/johnbreech/status/430054256675409922

Academy Award-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has reportedly died at the age of 46.!/wrivey/status/430054054036013056!/AndieMacDowell3/status/430053589562974209!/RobinWigg/status/430055499045031937!/davemorin/status/430053572013600768

Too young, indeed.


The Hoffman family has released a statement.!/GioBenitez/status/430068086050271232

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Here’s Why Hangovers Get So Much Worse When You Get Older

You’re only as old as you feel? Tell that to tequila.

1. You, the day after drinking in your early twenties:

2. You, the day after drinking in your late twenties:

Sony Pictures / Via

3. This is not in your head! Your hangovers really, truly do get worse as you get older.

To get to the bottom of this miserable and unfair phenomenon, BuzzFeed Life talked to neurobiologist George Koob, Ph.D., director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). He says there are a few possible reasons for this adult-onset hangover hell.

4. For starters, sorry to say, but your ~enzymes~ just aren’t what they used to be.

“As you get older, the enzymes you use to metabolize alcohol don’t work as well,” Koob says. This means that a toxic metabolite from alcohol, called acetaldehyde, sticks around in your system longer without being broken down. “That can contribute to the lousy feeling,” he says.

5. Your body fat percentage also plays a role here.

As people get older, they tend to gain weight, Koob says — and much of that weight comes in the form of increased body fat. The higher your body fat percentage, the lower your body-water ratio…which leads to a higher blood alcohol content (BAC), even with the same amount of alcohol, Koob says.

This may seem a bit counterintuitive, because typically the heavier you are, the higher your alcohol tolerance. But we’re not talking about weight here specifically — we’re talking about body fat percentage. Body fat percentage is one of the reasons why women typically respond more intensely to alcohol than men do, Koob says — on average, women tend to have higher body fat percentages. Even if a woman and a man both weighed 150 pounds, for instance, the person with greater body fat percentage would have a slightly higher BAC after the same number of drinks.

6. Your brain has also matured, and it just isn’t as into the whole party till the breaka-breaka dawn thing anymore.


“The biggest effect probably has to do what happens to your brain,” Koob says. He says that in your early twenties, your brain has a highly developed “reward system,” and a not-very-developed “stress system.” That means that your young-person brain gives you awesome and positive feedback when you do adventurous and fun things (like, yes, getting DRUNJJJ), but it doesn’t punish you (with hangovers and miserable body feels) so much after the fact — that “stress system” hasn’t fully developed yet.

But then, sometime in your mid-twenties, your prefrontal cortex finishes developing. With it comes all sorts of buzzkill attributes, like maturity, and the ability to make rational and appropriate decisions. YAWN.

As your brain develops, Koob says, the rewards become less rewarding, and the “everything hurts” part of the stress system begins to kick into high gear. “As you get into your mid-twenties and thirties […] you lose your reward function and you gain the stress function if you drink too much and overindulge,” he says. OK, GREAT.

7. Now you know. But what can you do about it?

ABC / Via

Well, nothing can stop the inevitable onward march toward death, my friend. But if you’re just looking to experience somewhat more tolerable hangovers, Koob has this to say: “The best solution is not to get one in the first place.”

On a slightly more helpful note: “Drink plenty of water when you’re enjoying yourself, and don’t go to excess.” Also pay attention to what your body responds to. Certain alcoholic drinks have things called congeners in them (basically, chemicals that aren’t the alcohol), and some research shows that drinks with congeners in them can result in worse hangovers than when you drink just pure alcohol. Drinks with congeners can include some wines, bourbon, cognac, and other things.

Basically: If you notice that your red wine hangovers are the WOOORST but your vodka soda hangovers are a little less obscene… maybe lay off the red wine.

8. And a final friendly reminder: Drink responsibly.


Or not at all, if that’s what it takes. Check out the NIAAA’s website Rethinking Drinking to learn what counts as a drink, if your drinking pattern is risky, strategies for cutting down, and more.

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‘LOL': Tweet exposes plight of cats in ‘folk music environment’ [pic]!/liprap/status/524931995852222465

No, we’re not talking about Cat Stevens. This image of a cat suffering through some bad folk music is going viral though.


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It Might Seem Insane, But These 11 Items Are Helping Women Fight Back Against Rapists.

According to, there are approximately 237,868 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year. Every 2 minutes an American is sexually assaulted… and 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. These are disgusting, unfortunate facts. It seems absurd, but these 11 products were created to help women around the world fight back against rape. They may seem silly, but they could legitimately help women protect themselves.

1.) This anti-rape, anti-mugging dress was created so that women can hide in plain sight.

2.) This belt buckle requires two hands to use, preventing attackers from easily removing clothing.

3.) India’s National Institute of Fashion Technology created these anti-molestation jackets. It would shock people giving unwanted advances.

4.) An anti-rape whistle that can be worn as jewelry.

5.) AR Wear (anti-rape) is made so that it can’t be torn or ripped off, protecting its wearer.

6.) This lingerie can be used to shock attackers.

7.) Female condoms with “teeth” that attach to a man’s penis and would need removed by a doctor.

8.) The Guardian Angel necklace, which will either cause your phone or ring or will send a text to a friend when you press a button.

9.) Hairy tights women can wear that will deter “perverts.”

10.) Consent panties remind partners that consent is necessary for engaging in sexual activity.

11.) This tampon has a hidden blade inside, so if a man attacks a woman and attempts to rape her, he’ll be stabbed.

(H/T BuzzFeed) It’s sad that there was a need for these products, and they may seem crazy, but if they protect people from sexual assault then their creation is warranted. It’s so horrifying that there are people around the world that might actually need items like these. Share these products (you never know who you may help if you do).

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This Is What An Ecological Disaster Looks Like…And It’s The Worst Thing Ever

When we hear about a far-reaching and devastating ecological disaster, it’s no surprise that most of us would assume it happened in China. While these types of catastrophes take place all over the world with startling regularity, they seem to occur in the Asian country far more often.

This time around though, something unbelievable happened much closer to home than we’re used to — just off the Space Coast of Florida, a resident caught this on camera…

Redditor SPAZZEH lives in the area and on a recent trip down to the coast, they snapped these pictures of a massive fish and wildlife die off.

The Space Coast is where NASA conducts many of its space launches, however that’s not necessarily the cause.

According to SPAZZEH, the area has been dealing with a massive algae bloom that has suffocated many of the fish by pulling all the oxygen out of the water.

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But sadly, that’s not the only problem, says SPAZZEH. There are several big polluters in the area dumping septic waste, chemical waste, and excess fertilizer into the water.

The effects of these different compounds when mixed together are poorly understood. It’s proving to be a challenge for local scientists who are hoping to devise a cleanup solution.

Then again, a solution might not do much at this point. According to SPAZZEH, local politicians seem more or less apathetic to what’s happening in their waters.

Looking out over the bay, it doesn’t take a pile of dead fish to tell you that something isn’t right here.

(source Reddit)

That is horribly heartbreaking. If the dumping and excessive pollution continues like this, just imagine how those once-beautiful waters will look in five years. I honestly, don’t even want to think about it.

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Reuters editor Matthew Keys defends himself on police scanner tweets!/TheMatthewKeys/status/325144034899263490!/TheMatthewKeys/status/325141103210807296

Under fire for those two now-deleted tweets, Reuters Deputy Social Media Editor Matthew Keys is defending himself.

You’ll see my name in a few critical articles about Boston emergency scanner traffic. Here’s my side… –

— Matthew Keys (@TheMatthewKeys) April 22, 2013

His Facebook post reads in part:

A) Late Thursday night / early Friday morning, there were a lot of social journalists on Twitter who were publishing what they heard on the scanner. I’m not going to name any names, but if you do your homework, you’ll easily see there were several prominent social journalists and breaking news accounts tweeting details from the scanner.

B) The Boston Police Department never put out a press release, nor did they publish a tweet, asking people not to publish information heard over emergency scanner traffic. The Boston Police Department Twitter published a tweet that said: “#MediaAlert: WARNING – Do Not Compromise Officer Safety/Tactics by Broadcasting Live Video of Officers While Approaching Search Locations.” They published this twice. Nowhere does it mention scanner traffic.

C) When people became upset, I said on Twitter I hadn’t seen the CBS News report that everyone was sourcing in which the Boston Police supposedly asked people not to publish scanner traffic. With a focus on four different video streams, several Twitter lists and, yes, dispatch audio, it slipped by me. But once I became aware of it, I stopped. In fact — having been awake well over 24 hours, with 10 of them covering the overnight event — I closed the computer and went to bed.

Click here for the whole thing.

We don’t always see eye to eye with Keys, and if he committed criminal acts we think he should be prosecuted.  But with regard to citing scanner traffic, he is right. On Thursday night/Friday morning, many of us on all sides of the political aisle wrote about what we heard on the Boston P.D. scanner. (See, e.g., this.)

Keys was hardly unique, and neither he nor others in old media or new media did anything wrong.

Both mainstream journos and new media journos were doing exactly the same thing on Friday night as law enforcement closed in on fugitive bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Chicago Sun Times:

Now, per scanner, they’re not sure they have the 2nd suspect.

— Marcus Gilmer (@marcusgilmer) April 19, 2013

Sports Illustrated:

They got him! “Suspect in custody.” Per scanner.

— Stewart Mandel (@slmandel) April 20, 2013

Bleacher Report:

3 injured officers at command post, per scanner. No word on how they were injured or what types of injuries.

— Matt Miller (@nfldraftscout) April 19, 2013


Police are headed to a house on Dexter, per scanner. “Do not use your radios.”

— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) April 19, 2013

It wasn’t just journalists. On Friday night, more than a quarter million people were tuned into public police scanner traffic at one point. Over the course of the entire evening, a total of 2.5 million listeners listened in:

RT @ckanal: More than a quarter of a million listeners now for #Boston police…

— Joey Maestas (@SportsJoey) April 20, 2013

Police scanners are public as a matter of accountability and practical logistics. Encryption would greatly limit interoperability in times of crisis when several different levels of law enforcement and government need to communicate with each other.

Oh, and for all the criticism new media journalists are getting for sharing the information with their audiences, old media has relied on scanners for years.

A 1997 article from @spj_tweets called police scanners “about as necessary in a newsroom as is the pen and notebook.”…

— Callie Schweitzer (@cschweitz) April 21, 2013

“In the end, our position is that [eliminating access to police scanner frequencies] harms public access,” [Gregg Leslie, legal defense director at Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press] says. “There’s a lot of public good done by letting the media and the public know what first responders are up to and it’s a shame that that could all go away.”


Named: Suspects identified on police scanner as Mike Mulugeta, Sunil Tripathi; One ‘suspect is running’; Update: NBC reports Tripathi is not a suspect; Second suspect still at large, ID’d as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Left, Right, journos all passed along incorrect Boston Police Dept. scanner information

* * *


Reuters fired Keys today. According to Keys, his police scanner tweets were one of the reasons given for his termination. 

If tweeting police scanner information is now a firing offense, why was Keys singled out?

@moorehn I tweeted names, sourced to dispatch audio, that later turned out to be incorrect. As did others who work for Thomson Reuters.

— Matthew Keys (@TheMatthewKeys) April 22, 2013



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